Today is much better. I walked downtown had lunch at one of my very favorite Denver restaurants, The Delectable Egg, with my honey and friend Seth. It was a lot of fun! Then I decided to go to Barnes and Noble and pick up a couple books that I am really excited about reading. I walked about 3 miles so I'm just going to do a Jillian video later and call it good on the workouts for the day.
Kevin and I will probably go skiing on Saturday if the weather is okay, if not it might be nice to be lazy and do things around here :) I think I will try and find a teacher workshop or some other type of class (bible study) I can attend that I find interesting around Denver, or maybe even at Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, so I'll let you know what I discover...other than that I have a LOT of books I need to read and workouts to press through. My friend Laura who also lives in Denver told me about a school that needs substitute teachers so I might do that 2x a week, we shall see.
This Sunday Kevin and I will try out another church, please pray that it goes well. So tired of looking. I'm just praying that God will speak to Kevin and I both about preparing our minds to be like His in the sense that we need to be at a church full of believers that want to help others in His name. Period. This does not mean everything about that church has to be showy, or self seeking or brand new. Francis Chan said something that just stuck with me when I was listening to one of his podcasts. He said that so many Americans pay for the kind of church they want to go to...what I mean is they give their offerings at that church and simply hope someone else does the dirty work in terms of having relationships with those struggling, feeding the poor, building houses, etc. They simply sign the check and put it in the offering plate. I am so guilty of that and I do not want to be. Also people will go somewhere where they know their kids will be entertained and they can chat with their friends. Again, that is not a bad thing. But I do believe when that is the only thing we are doing as a church it is wrong. We as a church need to exist for believers and non believers but we need to be a church of out stretched arms. The church simply needs to be a body of believers who want to live out God's word and be a light and help to others. So believe with me that we will be at that church soon, and I can start being apart of different mission outreaches. There are a couple that I am very interested in. Most of them have something to do with kids of course, like tutoring, watching little ones while their mom's go to school/work, etc.
Does anybody have an healthy recipes they would like to share?! I LOVE cooking, especially Pioneer Women things..but God bless her the recipes might end up doing more harm than good if I eat them all the time :) Also feel free to share workouts that you like or classes that are fun I can look into!
I miss my sisters, and this color on my hair ;) This is my next hair color move.
Karen! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog. I can totally relate to living in a new town and not knowing a single soul! I know Denver is a lot further away from Tulsa than Stillwater is but no matter how far you are away from home it feels like a million miles! I think you are on the right track looking for a home church, that is what made the biggest difference in me being happy living here. As soon as we found a church and got plugged into a lifegroup we were able to meet Godly people we were able to connect with. I'll be prayin' for ya girl, and I'll keep reading!