Monday, January 17, 2011

In the Month's to come...

Hello friends!!

Not much has been going on lately...just working out, reading, studying my bible, and skiing :) I love skiing and I'm not ready for the season to end, but I am ready to be able to walk the dogs outside when it's not dirty from snow and slush. sick. I usually skip the walk because washing the little cuties tends to be a big task.

This year I have committed to memorize 24 scriptures through Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team :) I love it. I know I am only 2 scriptures in, but it gives me something to do that is more than worth my time. I follow her blog ( and I really love her posts. Beth Moore is for sure an inspirational women and I aspire to have her love of the word. Also, I am starting a new bible study by Francis Chan called, The Forgotten God. I am very excited to start it.

In just a few weeks we are meeting up with our good friends Seth and Jenni and going skiing in Keystone for three days and staying together at a condo. I. cannot. wait. I love them so much and cannot wait for bouts of hysterical laughter and good talks and good food :)

Have I mentioned before that I am ready to move back to Oklahoma?! Well I am. I am still working on being content with where I am and trying to make a difference but I am struggling at it for sure. Kevin and I still have not found a church home, and since I am not working that means finding friends is a true struggle. I find myself talking to the dogs more than any healthy human should ;) Denver does have a lot to offer, but again I miss having friends!!! I might try and sub a couple days a week...I'm still not so sure yet though because last time I did this in Oklahoma it did not go so hot. I also do have things to look forward too though so that is helping pass the time. After our ski trip with the Hutchins in February I might go back to Tulsa for a little bit and then in March it's Kevin's birthday so we are going to try and plan something fun for that. Also, in March I am going to Maryland to visit one of my best friends, Kinsey. We are going to visit D.C. while we are there and I cannot wait. Baseball season will start in April and since my husband is the greatest and got us season tickets we will have a lot of date's at the ball field, which I am so happy about. Also in April is one of my best friend Jana's Bachelorette party in NYC!! Which should be an absolute fabulous occasion. Hopefully by that time we will know more about when we will be back in Tulsa for good...Oh pray with me that we know something, could ya?! Then in May it's Jana and Jake's wedding!!! Yayyy! SO...I do have lots of fun things that will be happening. I am just slightly ready for winter to end so I don't feel like all I do is stay in the apartment or walk two doors down to the gym- this gets old fast. Have I ever mentioned how much I also loathe Denver traffic? Also a hindrance for keeping myself busy.

I feel silly saying that I have plenty of things to look forward to, in order to pass the time and make it go by quicker when I need to be making a difference here in Denver today. I am ready to start helping others and loving on other people in the community so basically I need to find a cause and just start volunteering. Which is scary when your in a city...but it's not about me.

Tomorrow I will start my bible study and post notes on here :)

Oh I miss thee...

Love you all!



  1. OH, Karen, I adore your honesty and cannot wait for you to return to the hood (and, more specifically, I'm hoping MY hood will be YOUR hood). And I do want you to suck the marrow off of every ounce of the Denver experience--remember my jealously before you left?? SOON enough you be will in OK for keeps and this will be the only time like this prior to kids you will ever have. Slurp up the marrow (then get back here and give me some babies to hold)! CANNOT wait to see you on the slopes!!!!!

  2. Jenni I LOVE YOU!! Please let you hood be my hood!!! :)
